Loaf Bakery & Café is another restaurant in Welcome Town, Pattaya Klang. Last August 25, was my 30th birthday so I treated myself to a new restaurant. I gave Loaf Bakery & Café a try.
Here's what Loaf Bakery & Café looks on the inside.
Okay, here we go with the food. I've been craving for fish, so I ordered grilled sea bass with ginger sauce and steam rice (yes I'm a rice burner) and for my drink I ordered mango smoothie. And the verdict, hhhhhmmmm, I don't like the fish much, I'm not sure if it's how they cook it or maybe salmon fish just taste better than sea bass. Mango smoothie was really good though. They have many kinds of dishes on the menu, like pizza, salads and they also serve cold and hot coffee and many other dishes.
They also have a bakery inside. I saw churros in the menu and think of giving it a try so I ordered one for a take out. It was also good, the churros are crispy and the chocolate dip was perfect. So if you happen to be in Pattaya Klang and you're hungry, go check them out.