Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

Amazing and Funny GIF's

It must be yummy.
 This genius monkey. 

 This black and white thing that hurts my eyes,lol.

 This beautiful sunset. 

 This perfect catch both the ball and the player.

 This scary but amazing lightning.

 This funny face :D

This flying eagle. 

And a flying cat!

 This amazing basketball trick. 

 This perfect parking.

 This model being photo shopped. 

 This Carrie Underwood's dress.

 These two dogs. Oh, wait the other one is not real.

 This brave lady. You did a very good job. He deserves it. 

 This skater dog. 

 This stunning glittery summer sky.

 This flying surfer. 

This poor lady. Ouch!

And finally, this cute penguin who shakes its booty better than I do,lol.  

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